[SeraMyu SuperLives] Why I haven’t talked about them


here’s the thing, I’m a musical fan, I loved Seramyu since long ago, with all their goods and their bads, sadly the new SuperLive things are not for me, they are for the idol fanbases, and hell I have nothing against Idols, Sena who plays Venus is a hooper and I like her!

The girls are probably better dancers or singers than our previous girls even, I don’t know, and I’m not interested to know, because for one more time, the core fandom is completely ignored, apparently women audiences are not of their liking anymore; as they declared at Usagi’s BD event, they were looking to target men as their core audience…so cute Idols is the way to go for them…

Sadly, idol fans do not care about the story being told, all they care is their idols, which I totally understand, but that means the SuperLives are not for me, as I’m a sailor moon fan who happens to also love musicals.

I’m disappointed that they took this approach, though I’m not surprised. Idols will bring in revenue regardless.



Sailor Moon SuperLIVE

The trend with the idols continues and another stage is announced

they call it Superlive so it might not be a “musical” seramyu(?).

(I will dig more info about it later)

but here’s the cast list and the promos:

セーラームーン/月野うさぎ: 夢宮加菜枝
セーラーマーキュリー/水野亜美: ココナ
セーラーマーズ/火野レイ: 平井琴望
セーラージュピター/木野まこと: 尾花貴絵
セーラーヴィーナス/愛野美奈子: 星波

クイン・ベリル: 京香
クンツァイト: 真田怜臣

松林篤美 新橋 和 土定美月 大澤涼風 大橋美優

タキシード仮面/地場 衛: 立道梨緒奈

セーラームーン/月野うさぎ: 古賀なつき
セーラーマーキュリー/水野亜美: 川村海乃
セーラーマーズ/火野レイ: 二宮響子
セーラージュピター/木野まこと: 松崎カンナ
セーラーヴィーナス/愛野美奈子: 中西裕胡

クイン・ベリル: 京香
クンツァイト: 真田怜臣

松林篤美 榎本愛子 東川歩未 小泉もえこ 相川日菜子

タキシード仮面/地場 衛: 立道梨緒奈

セーラームーン/月野うさぎ: 河西智美
セーラーマーキュリー/水野亜美: 替地桃子
セーラーマーズ/火野レイ: 長谷川 唯
セーラージュピター/木野まこと: 山﨑紫生 (※﨑はたつさき)
セーラーヴィーナス/愛野美奈子: 後藤紗亜弥

クイン・ベリル: 哀川まこと
クンツァイト: 真田怜臣

小泉もえこ 新橋 和 土定美月 大澤涼風 大橋美優

タキシード仮面/地場 衛: 立道梨緒奈


They are 3 teams of inners, in the first one Venus is played by 星波(Sena) who is one of the original members of the idol group The Hoopers, their trait is that they do acrobatics, so I don’t know if we can expect any of those from Venus.

Riona also return to assume the role of Tuxedo Kamen

New Seramyu Announcement

A new Seramyu is announced, this time around two teams of inners (moon and star) will take up the challenge, both teams are members of the idol group Nogizaka46

Production by Worry Kino

It will be the Dark Kingdom  arc, that will include the four Generals, Queen Beryl and Naru and Umino.

surprising come backs are Mikako as Tuxedo Kamen(!), and Ando Chihiro as Kunzite

here’s the full cast, there are some famous names here, but their wiki’s have not been updated so I don’t know if it is actually them or artists with the same names

【Team MOON】
セーラームーン/月野うさぎ: 山下美月(乃木坂46)
セーラーマーキュリー/水野亜美: 伊藤理々杏(乃木坂46)
セーラーマーズ/火野レイ: 高山一実(乃木坂46)
セーラージュピター/木野まこと: 能條愛未(乃木坂46)
セーラーヴィーナス/愛野美奈子: 樋口日奈(乃木坂46)

【Team STAR】
セーラームーン/月野うさぎ: 井上小百合(乃木坂46)
セーラーマーキュリー/水野亜美: 渡辺みり愛(乃木坂46)
セーラーマーズ/火野レイ: 寺田蘭世(乃木坂46)
セーラージュピター/木野まこと: 梅澤美波(乃木坂46)
セーラーヴィーナス/愛野美奈子: 中田花奈(乃木坂46)

大阪なる: 山内優花
海野ぐりお: 田上真里奈

クンツァイト: 安藤千尋
ゾイサイト: 小嶋紗里
ネフライト: Shin
ジェダイト: 武田莉奈

河本麻祐子 鏑木真由 齋藤久美子 倉知あゆか 渡邉 南 光岡茉美

クイン・ベリル: 玉置成実

タキシード仮面/地場 衛: 石井美絵子


They are continuing with the All Female cast recipe, which is HIGHLY appreciated by me.



[SeraMyu]-Le Mouvement Final- Review



Here’s my review on -Le Mouvement Final- after watching the senshuuraku live viewing,

平光琢也(Hiramitsu Takuya) was once again the director of this musical, I’m not as disappointed as with Amour Eternal, but still in this, there were too many nods to ’90s anime/musicals that I could live without. Still not as blatant as in the previous one, and even though the manga elements were clearly dominant, the 90s nods were still there at the expense of some favourite monents in the manga.This lack of originality just makes the viewing of this show an one time thing.

It started with the manga approach, Mamoru disappears in front of Usagi but she has no memory of it, the Three Lights drive her home, as revealed later, but she has no memory of that either. At the joined concert, Seiya offers Michiru a rose, but Haruka steps in front of it jealous, Seiya greets her instead. That approach is a hybrid that ponders on Haruka’s jealousy that was pronounced in the anime, but also Seiya linking hands with her from the manga. To my disappointment, Taiki who was originally interested in Michiru, and Seiya only interested in Haruka, in the manga, is lost, as apparently showing possessive behaviours is so much more appealing to those ’90s thumpers… 😦

Then there is a scene taken from the ’90s musical, Usagi is in pain Seiya assists her, and Setsuna steps in, Seiya calls her oba (that’s something you never call young women, it’s rude, so she has an age crisis then and there, it’s supposed to be funny, and it would have been if it was not a copy-paste) In the manga the one stepping in is Haruka.

Later Setsuna gathers them all so to talk about the Three Lights. Sadly Haruka and Michiru are not in Juuban highschool uniforms like in the manga, but Haruka can list all of three things (from the manga) that have upset her, Ami, and Michiru. Earlier there is another nod to the 90s anime, when Michiru says that Haruka doesn’t like popular dudes. Hotaru brings it up again, Haruka acts like a five year old. Michiru is being seductive telling her “I’ll treat you gently later when we are alone” to ease Haruka’s anger. Then Setsuna suggest that the Three Lights have the light of the stars, Rei exclaims that, something like that means they are sailor warriors as well, to which Minako yells “WOMEN”. So at least they kept that from the manga, even thought I would like Tin Nyanko to be the one revealing this fact. They also kept from the manga the whole Chibi-Chibi questions.

Then there is a scene that was supposed to melt my heart, because HaruMichi, but instead it kinda angered me…

Haruka is being all gentle and wants to take Michiru to the beach, but Michiru pushes Haruka away, and tells her she is careless…apparently Michiru is still angry about her lipstick being judged by Yaten, and thinks that Haruka is inconsiderate about it…Haruka says “when she said she will be gentle to me later, when that time will come?” painting Michiru as a spoiled bitch, and Haruka as a total idiot…”Yeaaahhh”…cis-het dudes writing about lesbian relationships! 😦

Am I angry? YOU BET I am!

In the manga not even ONCE, Michiru was angry at Haruka because of something else. (she was angry at Haruka joking that they have patrons, to pay for their expensive lifestyle, but that was a stupid joke). Haruka hasn’t shown any possessive traits towards Michiru, other than when some fan was being noisy, and Haruka crashed his hand in a handshake. I’m also so bitter that both Haruka and Michiru’s fashion sense is reduced to pants & green dress (they look fantastic in them, but I would like to at least see them in the Juuban high uniforms).

Another lost opportunity was Michiru protecting Usagi on her own like in the manga. But that goes down at the story arc of Tin Nyanko.

Seiya is clearly attracted to Usagi (YEAH LESBIANS! GO LESBIANS!), and there was a similar to the old Myu scene of them singing their feelings. I don’t understand why they didn’t use the plot of Seiya giving Usagi cards. Out of nowhere Haruka jumps on Seiya, and asks her to stay way from Usagi, Seiya asks to talk to her one last time like in the anime, and Haruka gives her five minutes of closure. (literally out of nowhere).

By now Ami and Makoto, have been killed, and so have Iron Mouse and Tin Nyanko. Rei and Minako have their gay epiphany “we don’t need men, you have problem with that?”, when confronted by Yaten. (YES LESBIANS!) (Galaxia appears and kills Rei and Minako before they can even transform)

Somewhere in between all these, there is a ’90s musical nod to the infamous find the culprit from Kinmoku to realize why their princess is silent, and they want to find who’s fault is. It was cute, but out of place.

On the villains, Galaxia is powerful, arrogant, and scary. Iron Mouse and Tin Nyanko are a team, like Lead Crow and Aluminum Siren are. When Usagi purifies the first two, there is an anime nod, as they seem to both be good people. I’m not sure about this part, but I think one of them says that they are not sailor warriors of their planets but were given the star seed by Galaxia. Crow instantly steps in and says that’s a lie. When Galaxia kills Mouse and Nyanko, Siren and Crow are the ones fighting, and Usagi refuses to attack them because these two are real sailor warriors like them. I really need subtitles for this part to understand it, but if what I got is true, then we have a hybrid, that was not too bad. Mouse and Nyanko are fakes who betrayed their planet(like in the manga), but Crow and Siren are not fakes, they are the real deal (like in the anime). I like this if it’s true, I like all versions of this actually.

And then we have the lesbians fighting! HaruMichi VS SirenCrow, that was a fantastic scene, with Michiru taking a more upfront role, to question their morals. Then Galaxia appears, Three Lights step in to fight her, Galaxia attacks them and HaruMichi take the hit, they die and the 90s “Haruka I want to touch you” occurs which is really nice, no complains about it.

The first act closes with the Kakyuu appearing, similar to the old Myu’s (no complains about this though, as it’s just a beautiful way to introduce her).

Act 2 took a manga turn, which was refreshing,

Usagi has a dream sequence, everyone is still alive, when Chibi-chibi  wakes her up she is at the Three Lights place, Kakyuu convinces Taiki and Yaten, to protect Sailor Moon, Seiya pronounces her devotion to Usagi. Once everyone is convinced they go to the Gauldron. From there on is Manga heavy. They first come across Crow and Siren (that was Phobos and Deimos in the manga, I think), after they attack, and everyone is separated, ChibiMoon and Saturn appear(Puu had saved Saturn by sending her to the 30th century to bring Chibimoon for help). Crow and Siren are letting Sailor Moon go, but Galaxia interferes and kills them, Star lights and Kakyuu, step in. Kakyuu strikes Galaxia while singing about the light of hope (she means the good side of Galaxia), Galaxia tell her how Kakyuu’s lover is no more. And I honestly SHIP THEM, because what if Kakyuu’s lover was good Galaxia? Galaxia didn’t say she killed the lover, but that the person is no more, Kakyuu sings for Galaxia’s light as if she knows it too well. I’m sorry but it sailed gloriously right then and there.

And then there is this:



Galaxia kills Kakyuu, then the Star Lights are angry, and go and attack Galaxia, giving Sailor Moon the time to escape to where the star seeds are(an info Crow had given to Sailor Moon before she was killed). The Star Lights strike Galaxia, she falls down even, but she kills them the moment after.

Then she brings back from the dead, all the sailor warriors and Mamochan as her puppets, they fight Sailor Moon until everyone is awaken and they give Sailor Moon power to go eternal. Galaxia takes her to meet Chaos. As Galaxia tries to choke Sailor Moon, Chaos has other plans and attacks her instead, Sailor Moon steps in front of Galaxia and takes the hit for her. Then everything is mellow, Chibi-chibi has feels, Galaxia has feels, she even believes in Sailor Moon, and then Usagi tells Chibi-chibi that there is hope so please don’t lose yours, and then Chibi-chibi transforms to Sailor Cosmos.

Usagi jumps into the Cauldron, and Cosmos & ChibiMoon stay behind to watch. Finally Sailor Moon reincarnates everyone. A BEAUTIFUL scene with everyone in HORRIBLE white dresses, beautiful dancing, the scene kind of recreating this:

We see that everyone has returned to their worlds, even Galaxia and the Animamates. Then the scene shifts to Usagi’s wedding telling Mamochan that she feels that a star was born inside her at that very moment. Then everyone steps in wearing wedding dresses themselves, YEP EVEN HARUKA!! LOOOOOK AT HER!!!!

And then comes the end!

That was way more spoilerry than it should have been, but I had a lot of feelings.

On to the performances:

The inners have improved 100% as I have predicted, they are still vocally weak but hey when did that ever stopped anyone from enjoying seramyu. Not me for sure. Everyone was excellent in their roles.

Most grand performances come from Galaxia and Lead Crew, I’m biased so sue me!

Kakyuu was phenomenal, her opera training always a pleasure to experience.

Sets were great as always, very good use of projections, smart lighting, and cool way to show the demise of the warriors into those boxes.

Costumes as per previous musicals, were very well done, I really wanted to see HaruMichi it Juuban uniforms though.


Last but not least, moments from the greetings.

Galaxia was eying everyone like this >_> and when her turn to introduce came my darling Coco yelled destruction and death to everything from tomorrow on. YES THAT’S COCO for you guys 😀 I love her so much ahahha.


When the second Chibi was crying, the first one pat her, multiple times and everyone was AAAAWWWWWW


I melted like butter!

Chibimoon cried too and even Galaxia rubbed her back soothingly, and Setsuna could very well be Chibichibi as she cried equally as much as this kiddo above.

And finally Michiru said that she loved her role AND HARUKA! YES LESBIANS! GO LESBIANS!

Shuuchan just cried and was shy and almost forgot what she wanted to say.


Overall the show was good, the pacing rolled rather smoothly. It could do without the 90s nods, but it was not as bad as Amour Eternal.


  • props/costumes/sets as always
  • excellent performances from everyone (inners 100% improved)
  • Story rolled smoothly
  • GALAXIA (everything about her)
  • Women three lights


  • hybrid scenes
  • unnecessary nods to the 90s anime/musicals
  • cis-het dude writing about lesbian relationships
  • unnecessary possessive elements of Haruka, Michiru being a bitch, for comic relief

[SeraMyu] Interview with the outers

Enterstage published an interview with the outers yesterday

[SeraMyu] The perfect Galaxia!

Enterstage released a 3 minutes long digest video, that includes multiple highlights of the performance

Because I’m biased 😀 I will just scream and yell over my darling Coco and her incredible GALAXIA

I already had extremely high expectations for her Galaxia, because I know her for a long time, not only as a performer but also on personal level, so I was counting on her witty personality a lot and I was rewarded! Her vocals as expected are powerful, and I’m sooooo glad she uses her low range! That makes Galaxia so much more grand, along with her choice of posture, and overall attitude!

Coco earns the top rank of my favourite Galaxia’s easily. And not only because I’m biased 😀


[SeraMyu] More shonichi pictures

ModelPress and Comic Natalie posted more shonichi pictures

just look at these babies

[SeraMyu]First shonichi pictures!

Oricon News posted an article on the First Day of performance of SeraMyu

You can read it here

It also includes pictures from the stage.


[SeraMyu]Line-Live with the outers

The outers had another Line-Live, properly introducing Miraichan as the new Hotaru.

You can view the Line-Live: here

highlights from it:

  • Shuuchan was not as shy as in the previous one
  • Mikako doesn’t tolerate HaruMichi flirting behind her back while she is talking ahahha

  • Miraichan hates eggs, and she accepted the challenge to eat one in front of the camera, Shuuchan brought her a hard boiled egg, and kept on patting her head for encouragement 😀

  • Haruka is not going to lose to the three lights, and is more kakkoii, and ikemen than those three lights will ever be!
  • To prove the above point, fans asked them to say “konekochan” they all said it but Shuuchan used her Haruka impersonation, and everyone in the room squealed.


  • They took two pictures, one posing as a family and the other as senshi! (HaruMichi being HaruMichi though!)

  • Mirai left the Line-Live, so Shuuchan said “this is adult version now”
  • Sayaka assured the fans that Michiru is not attracted to Seiya whatsoever (she wouldn’t choose Seiya)
  • Shuuchan took Himeka in her arms and said it’s alright, HaruMichi is alright, don’t worry.

  • Shuuchan called Seiya “Hoshino” something Mikako doesn’t approve. Seiya’s name is written like this: 星野 which can be also read as Hoshino.

That was fun and cute, also Shuuchan in shorts!


[Interview] Shiotsuki Shuu & Fujioka Sayaka

Livedoor News interviewed Shuuchan and Himeka and it’s the cutest thing ever!


Anyway, here’s some of the things they said in that interview:

First of all, when they did the photoshoot they discussed about how to pose, and one of them proposed the “head on the lap” post (above picture) the other agreed…

Then the interviewer asked how they decided to get matching colours on their outfits. Shuuchan said she asked Himeka, and Himeka confirmed it was the case.

In the question about what is the most important thing about their roles, Shuuchan said that being like a big sister, and an adult to the inners is most important, Himeka said that the relationship between HaruMichi, as well as their position as soldiers in the team of 10.

When questioned on if they think they are similar with their roles, Shuuchan was fast to reply “not particularly” but Himeka cut in 😀

“When I think of Shuusan and Haruka, they are both women who attract other women with their charm, but in other things not so similar. Then again I forgot, that when Shuusan did something for me and I was overjoyed, she remembered and did it again. Shuusan does things that make women happy. Is she similar to Haruka, after all?”

Shuuchan had a come back about Himeka being totally similar to Michiru, especially when it comes to work, she prioritizes what is important, etc but then she will break into the dreamy girl, like when Tuxedo Kamen will drop the rose, is her weakness.

Himeka replied with “I love it I love it, to be gifted that rose is a dream I’ve dreamt.”

Shuu: “and because of having that dream you discussed with Mikako”

Himeka: “during the rehearsal I said ‘this is not Michiru at all, right?’ ‘What no! Sayachan, this is totally Michiru'”

The interviewer wants to know beautiful and cool stuff these two do, so Shuuchan goes first:

Shuu: “Sayaka tends to say ‘I cannot but do it” instead of “I can’t do it” it’s always “I cannot but do it”

interviewer: “SO COOL!”

Shuu: “Charming right?! But in private she is a total tsundere so she is still cute(kawaii)”

Himeka: “hmm, for me, Shuusan is being cool when…”

Shuu: “you can say ‘there is no such moment” it’s fine”

Himeka listed various things such as suggesting stuff for their roles, or in private life, she is respectful, and always plans when she wants to do things like “I want to have barbecue” “let’s do it that way”.

Shuu got shy 😀

Himeka then dropped the bomb: “Then when, I’m troubled, she is the first to notice and talk to me, and when I’m in a mood that I don’t want to be touched, she will leave me alone. That kind of thing, that she understands me, I love it, I think it’s so cool…ah, I just love it. Here I said something unnecessary” (laughs)

Then the interview shifts to ask about how much they talk about the stage when they are off, they both said that they only talk about work in their off time, during the rehearsal season or the performance season.

The interviewer asked then what they do when they meet.

They said that they talk about random things when they go out to eat and stuff, there are times that there is not a topic at all, and Himeka will talk a lot, and then, when back home she will realize and send Shuu an apology e-mail, but Shuu is like “it’s fine, even if it’s random talk”.

Then the interviewers brought up LINE (an app similar to skype).

Shuu was like: “about LINE….”

Himeka: “when there was a talk about anything sailor moon related the talk went on.”

Shuu: *wry smile*

Himeka: “Recently, Shuusan marks my messages as read but no response, and I always think, did I say something wrong? And then I will look for something funny to send her.

Shuu: “that’s cute”

Himeka: “I even consult Mikako about it…’Has Shuusan gone radio silent?'”

Shuu: “What kind of person am I?!”

Himeka: “Then Mikako says ‘I got my replies instantly by Shuusan’ and now I want to hear an explanation from her here face to face.

Shuu: “the explanation will come on the second half of the interview”

Interviewer agrees, and then brings up Himeka’s tweet about Shuu, having a dream about Himeka, some time ago.

藤岡 ああ! それ、けっこう前ですね。Himeka: a this is from while back right!
汐月 沙也香が、よく夢に出てくるんです。 Shuu: I have a lot of dreams of Sayaka
藤岡 私も! 今朝も、昨日も、夢に出てきた気がする。Himeka: met too! this morning, and yesterday, I feel I have dreamt
汐月 けっこう出演料かさんでるな(笑)。Shuu: performance is close so they pile up
藤岡 しかも最近は、しゅうさんが違う女性といるっていう夢が多くて。Himeka: These days, there are a lot of dreams of Shuusan with other women
汐月 どういうことだよ!(笑)Shuu: What is the meaning of this!
藤岡 「あれ、私は…?」みたいな夢をよく見ている気がします。Himeka: “Wait, I…?” this type of dream, feels like seeing it a lot”
汐月 やっぱり既読スルーがよくないんですかね(笑)。Shuu: as expected going radio silent is not a good thing(laughs)

After few questions about being morning persons or not, etc, the question about what they do in their spare time, pops up.

Shuu: “I play video games, and because I play games, I forget about LINE completely.”

interviewer: “is that why you mark as read but not reply?”

Shuu: “pretty much, I open LINE look at the thread, but not memorize anything, then I go back to the game and totally forget to finish reading it.”

Himeka: “Even now I know that it’s because of the game, I still can’t separate the feeling and I still think ‘what did I say wrong’ and worry about it”

Shuu: “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I made you angry, my brain is clumsy, I can’t multitask, when I play the game, I forget about the world.”

Himeka for her spare time she listed “EATING” hahahahah, and that she will go places for her favourite tastes.

The interviewer asked then what roles they would like to play together.

They both said that they have never imagined but then Shuu said “maybe a parent child relationship”

Himeka responded with: “That’s so hard to do!”

Shuu: “Shouldn’t you be going to school?”

Himeka: ““Mooooom!!!” even though I can do it…how is it?”(laughs)

Shuu: “even though we did it, I don’t think it’s good.” (laughs)

This is not the entire thing, but these are the parts I found most entertaining hahahah

Truly sorry for the hideous translations, I’m so not good at this.

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