[Interview] Shiotsuki Shuu & Fujioka Sayaka

Livedoor News interviewed Shuuchan and Himeka and it’s the cutest thing ever!


Anyway, here’s some of the things they said in that interview:

First of all, when they did the photoshoot they discussed about how to pose, and one of them proposed the “head on the lap” post (above picture) the other agreed…

Then the interviewer asked how they decided to get matching colours on their outfits. Shuuchan said she asked Himeka, and Himeka confirmed it was the case.

In the question about what is the most important thing about their roles, Shuuchan said that being like a big sister, and an adult to the inners is most important, Himeka said that the relationship between HaruMichi, as well as their position as soldiers in the team of 10.

When questioned on if they think they are similar with their roles, Shuuchan was fast to reply “not particularly” but Himeka cut in 😀

“When I think of Shuusan and Haruka, they are both women who attract other women with their charm, but in other things not so similar. Then again I forgot, that when Shuusan did something for me and I was overjoyed, she remembered and did it again. Shuusan does things that make women happy. Is she similar to Haruka, after all?”

Shuuchan had a come back about Himeka being totally similar to Michiru, especially when it comes to work, she prioritizes what is important, etc but then she will break into the dreamy girl, like when Tuxedo Kamen will drop the rose, is her weakness.

Himeka replied with “I love it I love it, to be gifted that rose is a dream I’ve dreamt.”

Shuu: “and because of having that dream you discussed with Mikako”

Himeka: “during the rehearsal I said ‘this is not Michiru at all, right?’ ‘What no! Sayachan, this is totally Michiru'”

The interviewer wants to know beautiful and cool stuff these two do, so Shuuchan goes first:

Shuu: “Sayaka tends to say ‘I cannot but do it” instead of “I can’t do it” it’s always “I cannot but do it”

interviewer: “SO COOL!”

Shuu: “Charming right?! But in private she is a total tsundere so she is still cute(kawaii)”

Himeka: “hmm, for me, Shuusan is being cool when…”

Shuu: “you can say ‘there is no such moment” it’s fine”

Himeka listed various things such as suggesting stuff for their roles, or in private life, she is respectful, and always plans when she wants to do things like “I want to have barbecue” “let’s do it that way”.

Shuu got shy 😀

Himeka then dropped the bomb: “Then when, I’m troubled, she is the first to notice and talk to me, and when I’m in a mood that I don’t want to be touched, she will leave me alone. That kind of thing, that she understands me, I love it, I think it’s so cool…ah, I just love it. Here I said something unnecessary” (laughs)

Then the interview shifts to ask about how much they talk about the stage when they are off, they both said that they only talk about work in their off time, during the rehearsal season or the performance season.

The interviewer asked then what they do when they meet.

They said that they talk about random things when they go out to eat and stuff, there are times that there is not a topic at all, and Himeka will talk a lot, and then, when back home she will realize and send Shuu an apology e-mail, but Shuu is like “it’s fine, even if it’s random talk”.

Then the interviewers brought up LINE (an app similar to skype).

Shuu was like: “about LINE….”

Himeka: “when there was a talk about anything sailor moon related the talk went on.”

Shuu: *wry smile*

Himeka: “Recently, Shuusan marks my messages as read but no response, and I always think, did I say something wrong? And then I will look for something funny to send her.

Shuu: “that’s cute”

Himeka: “I even consult Mikako about it…’Has Shuusan gone radio silent?'”

Shuu: “What kind of person am I?!”

Himeka: “Then Mikako says ‘I got my replies instantly by Shuusan’ and now I want to hear an explanation from her here face to face.

Shuu: “the explanation will come on the second half of the interview”

Interviewer agrees, and then brings up Himeka’s tweet about Shuu, having a dream about Himeka, some time ago.

藤岡 ああ! それ、けっこう前ですね。Himeka: a this is from while back right!
汐月 沙也香が、よく夢に出てくるんです。 Shuu: I have a lot of dreams of Sayaka
藤岡 私も! 今朝も、昨日も、夢に出てきた気がする。Himeka: met too! this morning, and yesterday, I feel I have dreamt
汐月 けっこう出演料かさんでるな(笑)。Shuu: performance is close so they pile up
藤岡 しかも最近は、しゅうさんが違う女性といるっていう夢が多くて。Himeka: These days, there are a lot of dreams of Shuusan with other women
汐月 どういうことだよ!(笑)Shuu: What is the meaning of this!
藤岡 「あれ、私は…?」みたいな夢をよく見ている気がします。Himeka: “Wait, I…?” this type of dream, feels like seeing it a lot”
汐月 やっぱり既読スルーがよくないんですかね(笑)。Shuu: as expected going radio silent is not a good thing(laughs)

After few questions about being morning persons or not, etc, the question about what they do in their spare time, pops up.

Shuu: “I play video games, and because I play games, I forget about LINE completely.”

interviewer: “is that why you mark as read but not reply?”

Shuu: “pretty much, I open LINE look at the thread, but not memorize anything, then I go back to the game and totally forget to finish reading it.”

Himeka: “Even now I know that it’s because of the game, I still can’t separate the feeling and I still think ‘what did I say wrong’ and worry about it”

Shuu: “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I made you angry, my brain is clumsy, I can’t multitask, when I play the game, I forget about the world.”

Himeka for her spare time she listed “EATING” hahahahah, and that she will go places for her favourite tastes.

The interviewer asked then what roles they would like to play together.

They both said that they have never imagined but then Shuu said “maybe a parent child relationship”

Himeka responded with: “That’s so hard to do!”

Shuu: “Shouldn’t you be going to school?”

Himeka: ““Mooooom!!!” even though I can do it…how is it?”(laughs)

Shuu: “even though we did it, I don’t think it’s good.” (laughs)

This is not the entire thing, but these are the parts I found most entertaining hahahah

Truly sorry for the hideous translations, I’m so not good at this.

5 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. mana
    Jun 01, 2017 @ 19:38:00

    That interview is wonderful, and they’re so beautiful! TTuTT
    Thank you for sharing!



  2. Anonymous
    Jun 02, 2017 @ 03:15:22

    Omg yes

    Liked by 2 people


  3. Anisah
    Jun 21, 2017 @ 19:09:54

    Thankyou for sharing!!! They are cute and sooo lovely 💗


