the crystal hate still goes strong

hey lovely people still looking up at this blog even though I haven’t updated for long

the purpose of this post, is for ONE MORE TIME, point out that crystal still gets hate


90s thumbers


it’s been 9 fucking years

you got what the fuck you wanted, a nod to the 90s

we crystal fans got fucked over and lost

you won

shut the fuck up,

let us live

the fuck is wrong with you?

you’ve been so exhausting since crystal dropped and 9 years later you keep on diminishing people for watching/liking/loving crystal.

move the fuck ONNNNN

nobody took away your nostalgia, it’s there in all its glory go watch it, you do claim after all it is the greatest thing that ever happen to humanity.

stop being a little whinny bitch baby, because there is a second version you don’t like because it followed the source material closely.

5 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. VGeri
    Apr 19, 2023 @ 20:49:02

    I’ve just started re-watching Crystal for a few days (mainly for preparing Cosmos).

    It’s a common problem about judgement of Crystal that it’s usually viewed as compared to manga and/or ’90s anime. So people who like Crystal, usually say because it’s more faithful to the manga, and people who dislike it, usually say because it’s different from “classic” anime.

    I was at an anime convention in my country, where the topic of roundtable was adaptations. Crystal was mentioned as example of bad adaptations, because the plot is “rushed”, one of the performers complained about “the first half of the second season” was left out (Makaiju Arc and break-up with Mamoru). It was also said how much better than enemies wasn’t killed, but changed site, and “they fought later together” (which is actually a mistake, they didn’t return after they purification, even not Quartet, who were Asteroid senshi in manga. It was also left out in 90s that Shitennou originally served Mamoru – in manga, they were summoned by him in Black Moon and Dream Arc – we could see the first occassion in Crystal, the second one was left out from Eternal). It didn’t sound so competent…



    • 星らぶ
      Apr 19, 2023 @ 23:44:45

      every supposed “criticism” is based on misunderstanding of what the adaptation was about,
      literal personal taste,
      and of course nostalgia
      also apparently the entire SM fandom has phDs in animation, even though they cant tell the difference between art styles and animation quality.



  2. VGeri
    Apr 19, 2023 @ 21:07:13

    Other hand, it’s not sure that best way of adaptation is always following source material pic by pic, word by word. What works drawn and written, which can be viewed and read leisurely, it doesn’t necessary work animated and told, when events are rolling. It might be more important to keep the spirit of the source material (in case of Sailor Moon, ’90s anime didn’t do it many times).

    There is site named Tv Tropes, they made a five-point scale about adaptations based on similarity to source material:
    1. identical adaptation (no essential changes)
    2. near-identical adaptation (few changes, usually made for practial reasons, for example lenght, rating, or different tools of format )
    3. pragmatical adaptation (trying to find the way for working in new format, but still keeping the spirit of source material)
    4. recognizable adaptation (keeping several elements of source material, but with essential changes)
    5. in name only (keeps the title and/or some characters, but it’s so much different that it could be considered rather as a standalone work than an actual adaptation)

    Of course, this doesn’t mean a scale of quality.



    • 星らぶ
      Apr 20, 2023 @ 16:03:35

      based on that scale
      crystal is 1-2

      90s is 4-5

      crystal was specifically advertised as a close adaptation to the source material (a.k.a the manga)
      many misunderstood “source” to be the 90s, but I know enough japanese to read the word “MANGA” in every announcement of crystal so I didn’t have any expectation to see 90s elements, in fact I was more than happy to see the manga adapted.

      with crystal I didn’t mind the pacing at all, and the 1 ep = 1 act worked 90% of the times, and in smc3 gave some breathing space and they split the acts better.
      with Eternal and Cosmos, it doesn’t work, because the source material is episodic not one shot. so packing an entire season in 2 films, it doesn’t allow it to breathe. and that of course resulted also in cutting scenes short that are very important to me because they change the personality of characters with those scenes cut or changed or shortened. (I have talked a lot about what they did to harumichi and how those were very important to me) in an episodic season they would need to cut them.

      sadly also with the nods to the 90s they keep on inserting, the two movies look less and less that 1-2 and more of 3s on the scale



      • VGeri
        Apr 21, 2023 @ 23:36:06

        Yes, it was felt mainly during first part of Eternal that it’s a serial plot enforced into one shot format. It might be a reason of Crystal hate that they didn’t make a complete season, rather a two-part movie, they also rebranded them to Eternal and Cosmos, so they coulb de advertised less as continuation of Crystal.


