Let’s talk about Horatu

I mostly talk about HaruMichi in this blog but, I was watching Un Nouveau Voyage, today and Hotaru’s scenes hit me, again, Karin is phenomenal and conveys Hotaru’s feelings exceptionally, therefore I decided to make a post about her, her journey and her life.

The Musicals and Crystal are pretty close to the manga, but the 90s watered down her suffering and redeemed her father. 90s has redeemed a lot of characters that didn’t deserve it but the one I have the biggest beef with is Tomoe Kyoujyu, Demand was an ass but he was manipulated to be one, still I hate the fact that he was redeemed, but with Tomoe, he decided to USE his daughter, not because he wanted to save her but he wanted to finish his experiment, sure Pharaoh 90 gave him an ultimatum, but the moment he heard that Hotaru will be a host of something not human, he wholeheartedly sacrificed her for his experiment.

Hotaru had died in that accident when she was 8 years old, when we meet her she’s around 12-13, so her torture has been going on for at least 5 years.

Her father, without her consent, turned her body into a cyborg, so it could sustain Mistress 9. Hotaru was not aware that she was a host of another entity. she hated her scared body, she had no friends because she was too frail and she was considered weird for having healing powers (powers that could not heal her own body however). She was in constant physical pain, and her father was experimenting on her.

Hotaru up until becoming Saturn. she was a tortured abused manipulated child.

I both fucking love and HATE how dark the sailor moon themes are.

The way they used the prosthetics, in the live stage is brilliant, the scene of Karin removing one by one her garments, in complete silence is chilling.

in Crystal what Hotaru says, is almost identical with the song lyrics Karin sings in the Myu. She thinks that Chibiusa is now hating her because of her scars, that she lost the only friend she ever had, and what’s there to live for.

hello depression, I haven’t missed you one bit!

To me Hotaru’s story is the darkest in the series, and that’s telling when the others are

a. Mamoru spitting cancer for an entire arc without knowing what’s going on, and he is basically rotting inside because the Earth is dying, and

b. Demand’s attempted r*pe towards Usagi

Honestly when I hear people saying that Sailor Moon, is a light hearted show, I have to laugh, even in the 90s anime that the entirety of the filler episodes were for comic relief, when things would get towards the end, all hell would break loose, the inners died horrific deaths at the end of s1, Usagi saw her future daughter turn evil in s2, she lost everything in s3 and attempted to sacrifice herself to save everyone, she jumped off a cliff to save her falling daughter in s4, she watched everyone die in s5.

To conclude Hotaru had a horrible life when she was with her father, Hotaru got a second chance to be a happy child when the gays adopted her. They loved her, they cared for her and they raised her at the best of their abilities and gave her everything she needed.

Happy Hotaru is everything and my fav gays and of course Puu too have my eternal gratitude!
